Sep 16, 2008

Gus Dur tells story about tolerant attitude of NU founding fathers

Ex-general chairman of the Central Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) KH Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) told a story about the tolerant attitudes of NU founding fathers such as Hadratus Syeikh KH Hasyim Asy’ari, KH Wahab Chasbullah (Mbah Wahab) and KH M. Bisri Syansuri (Mbah Bisri).

Gus Dur said that at a moment Mbah Wahab and Mbah Bisri had a fierce debate over a problem. The debate took place at the Ndalem Kasepuhan of Denanyar Islamic boarding school (pesantren), Jombang, East Java and was witnessed by some 40 clerics (kiai).

"But, following the calling voice of azan, the debate was then stopped and he (Mbah Bisri) then drew water from a well for Mbah Wahab's ablutions," said Gus Dur as speaking at the Mbah Bisri's 29th annual "haul" celebration held at Mambaul Ma'arif Islamic boarding school, Jombang, East Java recently.

Gus Dur added that when willing to perform a joint prayer, Mbah Wahab asked Mbah Bisri to lead the prayer. Mbah Bisri then led the prayer though he had formerly felt no such courage for one of his members (jamaah) was Mbah Wahab who was also the Rais Aam of the PBNU at that time.

According to Gus Dur, Mbah Bisri (deputy Rais Aam) and Mbah Wahab (Rais Aam) did respect each other because of Mbah Hasyim Asy'ari's role in educating them about the importance of morality.

The grandchild of Hadratus Sheikh KH Hasyim Asy'ari said the two NU figures had often had different views in many things. Nevertheless they could respect each other and consider themselves as brothers.

KH Mustofa Bisri who was also present at the occasion said the Gus Dur's story had proven the true effort of the NU founding fathers in practicing the attitude of moderation (tawassuth).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good example from the two NU founding fathers